Every day we choose what to let in versus what to keep out. Some of us have a very finite “bubble” of tolerance, whereas others see the world for what it is and allow their senses to be pushed and pulled.
I’ve decided to keep a bank of images of the things around me that both inspire, awe and confuse me. They could be pretty neat, or really just a show of someone else’s work that I admire, and want to give credit.
- A clean Infiniti spotted in Calgary.
- YEG business
- Spotted in a back alley in Montreal. Horses on waves couldn’t be any more majestic.
- A nice example of layering acrylic using stand-offs. Montreal.
- Furniture found in one of Calgary Inglewood’s vintage shops
- A cool sandwich board design from our friends at Rosso
- Montreal Office space
- Vinyl grass
- How they should be.
- Seen in Montreal Subway
- Mixed media art work. The Moon in this piece was done with vinyl. Or so it looked. Seen in a MTL art gallery
- Probably the most mind shattering installation I saw in all of Toronto. All of the text you see is die-cut, not a wall print. It was HUGE.
- Respect to whomever weeded all of these small dots from this etch frost install
- Montreal
- COMO Designs hard at work, with his rock project.
- Spotted at MRU.
- Seen in multiple places in Montreal
- Old school sticker spotting
Usually there is an emotional attachment to what I’m seeing and it’s worth taking a photo.
Perhaps vinyl or sign related, perhaps not.